Chủ Nhật, 22 tháng 1, 2017

Phu Quoc – a paradise island

With wonderful landscapes, exciting tourism activities and beautiful beach resort, Phu Quoc easily makes tourists “fall in love at the first sight”.

The beauty of nature

Phu Quoc is considered as a gift of mother nature with blue sea, lush greenery; 99 hills and a lot of beaches in the island have been voted as the top beautiful beaches in the world. You will have chance to immerse yourself in fresh air, amazing scenery when visiting Phu Quoc. The island is surrounded by ocean, beaches are quite deserted and quiet so you can totally relax without worrying about being bothered.

Because there is not many human interferences, the beaches in Phu Quoc are extremely clean. Depending on your hobby, you can go to small beaches to dip into sea or larger beaches to join some exciting activities. If you want to look for a private place, the beaches in the South are often more crowded than beaches in the North island.

Romantic Phu Quoc bungalows

Visiting Phu Quoc island, one of the best choice for staying is beach bungalows. Each of Phu Quoc accommodation bungalow has beautiful ocean view and modern amenities. Moreover, the price for renting a bungalow is not too high, just about 500.000VND per night. Some best bungalows in Phu Quoc that you can choose are La Mer Phu Quoc, Huynh Gia bungalow Phu Quoc, La Paloma bungalows & spa and so on.

Delicious foods

There are many types of seafood that only available in Phu Quoc. Tourists can enjoy Trich fish salad or spidercrab at Ham Ninh. They are all must-try dishes when travelling to this island. In the town also has many restaurants and lovely coffee shops with varied menu and affordable price. At night, visitors can walk around Dinh Cau night market, eat seafood and buy souvenirs for family.

Exciting activities and entertainments

Phu Quoc is not only famous for natural beauty but also for a variety of activities. You can swim, sunbathe or even trekking in the national park with diverse ecosystems. A series of other activities are waiting you to explore such as squid fishing, snorkeling, visiting wine factory, pepper plantations, etc.

Sunrise and sunset

Visiting Phu Quoc, do not forget to get up early to see sunrise in the morning and sunset in the evening. The best spot to see the sunrise is Vung Bau beach. It is a little bit difficult to go there because of a red dirt road but the beauty and peace of Vung Bau beach are totally deserved. Dining in the sunset also is amazing experience you should try in the North of Phu Quoc island.


Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 1, 2017

Guide to Halong Bay Cruises in Vietnam & Our Cruise with The Au Co

Halong Bay is considered one of the most beautiful natural landscapes in Vietnam, and a Halong Bay cruise is a must-do on many travelers’ lists. Imagine an emerald bay peppered with about 2,000 tiny vegetation-topped islands which feature numerous caves, lagoons, coves, and coral reefs. This breathtaking UNESCO heritage site has recently received the honor of being named one of the New Seven Natural Wonders of the world and is not surprisingly one of the most popular attractions in Vietnam. Most visitors need little convincing to visit, but the array of cruise options can be daunting as hundreds of boats ply across the waters of Halong Bay each day. Cruises range widely in price and companies offer a variety of cruise lengths, itineraries, amenities, and activities. We’ll share our tips on how to choose a Halong Bay cruise, answer common questions about Halong Bay cruises, and review our own recent Halong Bay cruise with The Au Co.


Halong Bay Cruise Vietnam The Au Co Cruises Review

A Few Facts about Halong Bay

    • Halong Bay is located east of Vietnam’s capital city Hanoi. It takes about 3.5 to 4 hours by car to get from Halong Bay from Hanoi or the Noi Boi airport (outside Hanoi). If you are using a transfer service, you’ll likely stop for a 15 to 30 minute break along the way. The closer but smaller Cat Bi International Airport is located about 1.5 hours drive from the main Halong Bay docks.
    • Note that there are several different ports in and around Halong Bay where cruise ships may dock. While most cruises leave from the Halong Bai Chay port, some also leave from Haiphong and Cai Lan. In our case, our cruise left from the dock on Tuan Chau island. Knowing this information is only necessary if you are arranging your own transportation.

    • Legend has it that Halong Bay was created by a great dragon from the mountains and the name Halong translates to “where the dragon descends into the sea”. Scientists, however, suggest that the landscape was formed through tectonics and water erosion. Halong Bay is considered a notable example of a karst landscape formed by the dissolution of limestone in the area that occurred over millions of years.
  • As tourism continues to increase in Halong Bay, so have the regulations to try to ensure safety and prevent overcrowding and destruction of the bay. After some disastrous incidents, such as the sinking of one tourist boat in 2011, a number of regulations were enacted in regards to Halong Bay cruise boats that has hopefully led to increased safety. Stricter regulations also mean less flexibility for cruise operators as to where they can go and where they can anchor. Cruise boats can only anchor in certain areas and must anchor near other boats at night for safety reasons. A recent and not very popular regulation requires all boats to be painted white (supposedly so they could easily be seen but this doesn’t work very well in foggy conditions) so many boats are not able to show off their intended colors.
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Choosing a Halong Bay Cruise Company

Halong Bay Cruise Vietnam The Au Co Cruises Review

How much should I budget for a cruise?

If you want to splurge on one activity during your time in Vietnam, I would recommend that you consider doing it on a Halong Bay cruise. Most cruise packages include transfers to and from Hanoi and you can get really cheap cruises beginning at a rock-bottom jaw-dropping $30 per person to do an afternoon cruise around the bay and going upwards to $400 per person/day for a luxury overnight cruise. You do not need to book with a luxury operator to have a nice cruise, but if you book at the budget level it is hard to know what to expect in terms of service, food, safety, and accommodations. The budget tours are often booked through travel agents who place people with different tour operators and boats in order to adequately fill up as many spaces as possible, so you really may not have a good idea of what things will be like until you get aboard. Our recommendation would be to try to budget for a mid-range operator with good online and/or word-of-mouth reviews and you should be able to get a good day cruise starting at about $70/person or an overnight cruise starting at around $120 to $150 per person. If you shop around and check promotions, you may find even better rates as most cruise companies are anxious to fill their boats and offer good last-minute deals. Don’t fret if this sounds like more than you can spend, just find a reputable travel agency in Hanoi, book at a price you can afford, and then go knowing you’ll still be seeing the same beautiful bay without any of the bells and whistles. On the other hand, if you are looking for excellent food and service, check out the luxury cruises and expect to spend a little more. The activities and sites are often the same between the mid-range and luxury operators, but the food, service, and staff-to-passenger ratio often improves.

Do I have to book an organized tour to take a cruise?

No, but it is the most convenient way. You can also make your own way to Bai Chay (a.k.a. Halong City) by bus and then arrange a cab or bus to the Bai Chay harbor and book a boat to tour Halong Bay or take you to Cat Ba Island. You can stop at the Halong Bay Tourist Information Centre at Bai Chay dock for information and then negotiate a price with companies at the dock. You’ll likely wind up as a daytrippper on another cruise for a budget price, but you will likely have to pay extra for any onboard services such as meals, drinks, activities, etc. If you are not interested in any of the extras, this can be a great budget idea, but if you do want some of the extras you may end up paying more for them than if you joined a budget cruise. If you head to Cat Ba island, this then gives you the option to explore and stay as long as you want. I would check with backpacker-friendly guidebooks or websites such as Lonely Planet and Rough Guides for recommendations on how to best do this on your own.

On the opposite side of the realm, private boat charters are also possible for those with money who are not interested in cruising with a fixed cruise tour itinerary or a group of strangers. While expensive, this can actually be a reasonable option for those traveling as a family or larger group and you may be able to customize an itinerary. Note that the company will likely still have to get an itinerary approved in advance so not a good last-minute option if you want a customized trip. Many of the larger mid-range and luxury tour operators offer private tour options.

How much time should I spend at Halong Bay?

You’ll want to spend at least a few hours on the boat cruising the bay if you are just going for the day. Also factor in that it will take almost 4 hours to get from Hanoi to Halong Bay and another 4 hours to return to Hanoi, so it may feel a bit disappointing to spend more time in the shuttle van than on a boat. If it is within your budget, I would strongly recommend choosing an overnight cruise as things become much quieter and less crowded in the evenings and it is nice to have more time to move around the boat and engage in more activities. We also greatly enjoyed being able to witness both sunset and sunrise from the boat. Let’s put it this way, those who just do a day trip often wish they had spent at least one night and those who spend one night, often wish they could have spent two, etc. You’re unlikely to regret spending an extra day or night here, so I would choose the tour that best fits your budget and schedule. Note that it is often a good value to do a 3 day/2 night trip compared to a 2 day/1 night trip as even though it costs a bit more, the cost per day is often less. Also pay attention to the amount of time spent on the cruise as a 2 day/1 night cruise itinerary may only account for 24 hours or less of time!

Best times of the year to cruise Halong Bay?

Tours operate all year long, but the best months are generally considered between October and May, with October, November, March, and April considered ideal. The summer months can be hot and rainy and winter months can be cold with strong winds. It is also good to avoid major holidays such as Tet. During any visit, it is best to check the weather forecast before scheduling and ask about the company’s weather cancellation policy (will cost be refunded? will you be rescheduled for the next available tour?) before booking a tour.

I’ve heard that there is a lot of pollution and trash in Halong Bay, is this true?

We personally did not witness much trash in the bay during our recent visit in April. However, we have heard that trash and pollution is a serious issue in the area, stemming from the tourism industry as well as the fishing industry and inhabitants of the floating villages. Do your part to protect this beautiful area by refraining from throwing anything into the water, disposing of rubbish appropriately on the boat and while visiting caves and islands, and supporting cruise companies that promote sustainable and responsible tourism in the bay. Responsible and eco-friendly tourism is still a growing concept in Vietnam but it is increasing.

Some Halong Bay cruises mention Cat Ba Island, Gulf of Tonkin, Bai Tui Long Bay, and/or Lan Ha Bay. Are these places worth visiting as well?

The Gulf of Tonkin is the full area stretching from China to Vietnam and includes three bays: Halong Bay, Bai Tu Long Bay, and Lan Ha Bay. Cat Ba Island is the largest island in the bay and is well-recognized for its biodiversity and about half of the island is protected as a national park. Many Halong Bay tours stop here for trekking, biking, birdwatching, kayaking, and other adventure activities and some cruises stay overnight here at one of the island’s hotels. Bai Tu Long Bay is located east of Halong Bay and includes numerous islands and a national park and is often referred to as a less-visited Halong Bay. Lan Ha Bay to the south of Halong Bay is even less visited than Bai Tu Long Bay and also offers great natural beauty as well as more beaches than the other bays. Most of the budget tours and day cruises stay within Halong Bay as it requires more time and fuel to venture further, but many of the mid-range and luxury cruises offer the chance to explore further afield. Don’t expect to be the only boat in any of the bays, (at night boats must stay within eyesight of other boats for safety), but it is nice to get away a bit from the crowds. We visited all three bays and all are quite beautiful. The biggest advantage is that you’re more likely to have the opportunity to find less crowded beaches and coves for swimming, snorkeling, and kayaking if you venture outside Halong Bay.

What things should I take into consideration?

This is a matter of preference of course, but the factors that were most important to us were length of the cruise, itinerary, cost, activities included/available, number of passengers, quality of food, commitment to responsible travel, safety record, and quality of overnight accommodations. We also had a preference to book directly with a cruise company rather than booking through a third-party travel agency and we wanted a cruise where we stayed on the same boat the entire trip (no boat transfers). At a minimum, find out specifically what all is covered in the cruise price (meals, activities, gear, cave tours, park fees), and if there are any additional costs that you will need to pay (e.g., optional activities, drinks, cave entrance fees. kayak rentals). If you are staying overnight as part of your cruise, you might also want to ask about whether the boat also accepts daytrippers which might indicate the boat may be crowded during the day. During overnight cruises, you’ll either sleep overnight on the boat or the company will arrange accommodations elsewhere such as at a hotel on Cat Ba Island. Almost all cruises stop to tour at least one cave and one fishing village, and some make stops at beaches, pearl farms, Cat Ba Island, and other attractions. For those wanting to party or meet up with backpackers or singles, choose budget and midrange cruises as most of the cruisers on the luxury cruises are traveling as couples or families and tend to be older. If you or anyone in your group has any physical mobility issues, I would definitely avoid budget companies and make sure that you talk about potential issues before booking.

What Halong Bay Cruise companies should I consider?

There are dozens of cruise companies that own boats in Halong Bay and hundreds of travel agencies that will gladly sell you tickets to cruise Halong Bay. Personally we have only used The Au Co (owned by the same company as Bhaya Cruises), but the list below reflects companies and agencies we considered as well as companies that have received good reviews from reputable sources and fellow travelers. This is by no means an exhaustive list as new companies seem to be popping up all the time and we definitely recommend checking out recent reviews before booking. Most of the below fall in the mid-range to luxury range in terms of price as budget cruises often come with mixed reviews.

Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 1, 2017

Best luxury cruise Halong bay

The Service of sleeping overnight on Halong Bay is loved more and more by domestic travelers because it will give visitors many emotions and exciting experiences such as fishing, squid fishing at night, experiencing the life of fishermen on the famous fishing villages in Halong Bay, enjoying the romantic atmosphere with family and friends when watching the sunset and sunrise on Halong Bay which has twice been recognized by UNESCO as a world natural heritage.
Along with the growth of demand for overnight service experience on the bay, there are many providers supplying this service. Therefore, this article will provide the information about best luxury cruise Halong bay to help you choose the most suitable boat for you.

Halong bay tour

Halong bay tour

  1. Starlight cruise in Halong bay (05-star service)
    Starlight cruise is designed based on the technology of double hull and double bottom. That brings the absolute security for those who are worried about the journey on Halong bay and above all, with sophistication and luxury design, it makes guests feel like a luxury hotel in Halong bay with 32 luxurious rooms. All rooms are designed in sync and luxury style in which the most striking is that all rooms have a Jacuzzi where guests can relax, gently massage the skin as well as enjoy the beautiful scenes

StarLight Cruise

StarLight Cruise

  1. Emeraude Cruise (05-star Service)

Emeraude cruise is the unique cruise in Halong Bay which is managed and operated by a French company, so from the architectural style to service style, it will bring a bit of French instruction. Having been put into operation since 2003, Emeraude cruise has become the pride of Halong Bay. This steel yacht is the first cruise in Halong with the shape of an ancient Western ship. It has 3 floors with 37 luxury cabins and can accommodate 74 passengers with excellent service like a 5 star hotel on the sea. On board there are services such as massage, kayaking, morning Tai Chi or cooking

>> Halong bay cruises

Emeraude Cruise

Emeraude Cruise

  1. Paradise Luxury Cruise (05-star service)
    We can say that a wooden boat shape reminds you of the image of the ancient yacht with modern and luxury furniture yachts, Paradise Luxury cruise is always considered as one of the most luxurious yachts of Halong Bay like Starlight Cruise Recommend in Halong or Emeraude Cruise… On the yacht you also experience the memorable moments, enjoy a wealth of beautiful and mysterious views of Halong Bay. The Café and restaurant of Paradise Luxury is a favorite spot of many tourists. Besides, there is the charm of Spa area with Jacuzzi, sauna and massage.
    ParadiseCruise Halong bay

    ParadiseCruise Halong bay

Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 1, 2017

Starlight Cruise in Halong Bay

Overview of Starlight Cruise

The luxury Starlight Cruise in Halong is one of the best 5-star cruises in this area with the area of 600 m2 on each floor (57.5mx 10.5m, 4m flooring), as well as the spacious bedroom system with 32 luxury cabins, including 12 deluxe cabins, 18 cabins Executive, Suite 02 cabin, which will give the guests the feeling of staying in a 5-star hotel on land.

On this cruise, there is also a large wine cellar containing a lot of different premium wines to meet all guests' enjoyment and leisure. Besides, when participating in the program of Starlight Cruise, you can have the chance to experience Golf - one of the noble sports and usually played by those with high incomes. The golf course is located on the rooftop with the area of 500m2. What activities are more fun than at once playing golf and enjoying the superb cocktails and beautiful views of thousands of rocky islands - which is 2 times admitted by UNESCO as the world natural heritage. With those information, maybe you have your own thoughts about this best luxury cruise halong bay.

Beside the on-board activities, there are also many out-board ones which can give guests the best feeling about Halong bay.

Activities in Halong bay


Kayaking in Halong Bay will make you feel so excited and satisfied. 2 people sit on a tiny kayak and brandish both oars in the clear blue water, while watching the bewitching nature of the natural wonders of the world, it is simple but also very interesting. In Halong, there are many kayak rentals at the tourist ship port, or the sightseeing island.

Visiting and exploring the fishing village on Halong Bay

Away from the shimmering and sumptuous electric light of the city center, you can come and explore many of the Halong fishing villages. The fishing village in Halong is so peaceful and clean which is an ideal destination for tourists. Guests can visit Vung Vieng fishing village, Cua Van fishing village, Ba Hang fishing villages, etc. Visitors can rent basket boats at the tourist ship port of fishing villages.

Exploring caves

Halong Bay is compared by many visitors as an ink painting of nature, which is endowed with a perfect beauty. And, in that picture, beside the "water and stones" like many people say, this place is also known for the beautiful and unique caves. Each cave of Halong Bay carries an interesting name raising the curiosity in the visitors about many caves, such as: Thien Cung, Sung Sot cave, Luon cave, Dau Go cave, cave Hanh, etc.

There are many other exciting and interesting activities you can do in Halong bay, hope you have your best tours in Halong with Starlight Cruise.

Starlight Cruise in Halong Bay

Overview of Starlight Cruise

The luxury Starlight Cruise in Halong is one of the best 5-star cruises in this area with the area of 600 m2 on each floor (57.5mx 10.5m, 4m flooring), as well as the spacious bedroom system with 32 luxury cabins, including 12 deluxe cabins, 18 cabins Executive, Suite 02 cabin, which will give the guests the feeling of staying in a 5-star hotel on land.

On this cruise, there is also a large wine cellar containing a lot of different premium wines to meet all guests' enjoyment and leisure. Besides, when participating in the program of Starlight Cruise, you can have the chance to experience Golf - one of the noble sports and usually played by those with high incomes. The golf course is located on the rooftop with the area of 500m2. What activities are more fun than at once playing golf and enjoying the superb cocktails and beautiful views of thousands of rocky islands - which is 2 times admitted by UNESCO as the world natural heritage. With those information, maybe you have your own thoughts about this best luxury cruise halong bay.

Beside the on-board activities, there are also many out-board ones which can give guests the best feeling about Halong bay.

Activities in Halong bay


Kayaking in Halong Bay will make you feel so excited and satisfied. 2 people sit on a tiny kayak and brandish both oars in the clear blue water, while watching the bewitching nature of the natural wonders of the world, it is simple but also very interesting. In Halong, there are many kayak rentals at the tourist ship port, or the sightseeing island.

Visiting and exploring the fishing village on Halong Bay

Away from the shimmering and sumptuous electric light of the city center, you can come and explore many of the Halong fishing villages. The fishing village in Halong is so peaceful and clean which is an ideal destination for tourists. Guests can visit Vung Vieng fishing village, Cua Van fishing village, Ba Hang fishing villages, etc. Visitors can rent basket boats at the tourist ship port of fishing villages.

Exploring caves

Halong Bay is compared by many visitors as an ink painting of nature, which is endowed with a perfect beauty. And, in that picture, beside the "water and stones" like many people say, this place is also known for the beautiful and unique caves. Each cave of Halong Bay carries an interesting name raising the curiosity in the visitors about many caves, such as: Thien Cung, Sung Sot cave, Luon cave, Dau Go cave, cave Hanh, etc.

There are many other exciting and interesting activities you can do in Halong bay, hope you have your best tours in Halong with Starlight Cruise.

Thứ Sáu, 13 tháng 1, 2017

The best 5-star Luxury Cruises in Halong Bay

With Halong bay cruise, you can experience the marvelous beauty of Halong bay in every morning. The tourists should take the 5-star cruises to have the best services and those experiences. 5-Star cruises on Halong Bay offer guests overnight tour on the high-class and most luxury cruises on Halong Bay. The tourists can explore this World Natural Heritage on all Halong cruises with the package tours of 3 days 2 nights or 2 days 1 night, you can go sightseeing the mysterious caves and have the opportunities to enjoy the dishes of fresh seafood and specialties of Halong on all 5-star cruises. With the below 5-star cruises, you can have the best experiences on Halong Bay.

Paradise Luxury Cruise

Paradise Luxury Cruise gets one of the best paradise luxury cruise halong bay reviews. With the style of the ancient sailing ship and luxurious comfortable interior, the cabins is divided into 3 categories: Superior; Deluxe and Suites with window, large balcony overlooking the sea. The top floor of the yacht is the open bar, where guests can enjoy hundreds of wines, are free to sunbathe, read books, listen to music between heaven Halong Bay. Private bathrooms are using advanced material (marble stone) and precious wood, private balconies, the restaurant serving Asian cuisine, Spa, Massage, Sauna & Jacuzzi. Equipment serving conference workshops, service equipment, water sports activities and equipment serve the recreational activities on board. With all those services, Paridise is considered the best luxury cruise in Halong.

Victory Star Cruise

With characteristic structure from the traditional beauty of the ancient tourist boats in Halong Bay. Victory Star Cruise is the perfect synergy between traditional and modern beauty with luxurious and elegant design. On board is the full service restaurant for 100 guests, sun deck with comfortable lounge chairs, massage service and an attentive staff to cater to your every need. This is a very nice boat for you to experience.

Valentine Cruise

The luxury Valentine cruise sets its first voyage in early October 2007. The cruise is a good choice for those who want a more exclusive and intimate experience. The full services of this boat offer all facilities and amenities, but with only five cabins; four Deluxe cabins at 19 square meters each and one Suite cabin at 30 square meters. All of the Valentine bathrooms feature bathtub/Jacuzzis as well as showers. This boat is actually appropriate with the family trips or the group tours.

Top 5 cheap hotels in Phu Quoc

PHU QUOC BUNGALOW - Cheap high-quality hotels in Phu Quoc often have more incentive program for the delegations of above 20 people, long length of stay or the deals in tourist season to attract visitors from everywhere. However, the quality of service at these hotels is diversified, affordable and in line with the needs of the tourists who prefer simplicity and have experience as much as possible.

1. Giraffa Phu Quoc - cozy with wooden bungalows

You want to enjoy a private, relaxed and cheerful holiday in Phu Quoc, book one of the natural wooden bungalows - Cheap bungalow In Phu Quoc - creating a warm atmosphere, peace for travelers at this resort. Giraffa is zealous in providing a best destination for tourists to Phu Quoc island to experience good food, take the time to visit the amazing natural landscape. Here we have the unique services such as the barbecue in the garden or Giraffa business advice for those wanting to start a business in Phu Quoc.

Address: Kien Giang Hamlet, Cua Lap, Duong To, Phu Quoc city

• Phone: 098 331 18 08

• Website:

2. Mai Phuong Binh Bungalow favorite for visitors charming natural landscape

Guests can choose one of our four bungalow on the beach phu quoc as standard, superior, deluxe and family depending on demand or the ability to finance. Each tastefully furnished bungalows, courtesy comes more convenient services for tourists, ensure peaceful environment for relaxing. Bungalow Mai Phuong Binh also provides tour services in Pearl island such as travel car rental, private tour guides, tour fishing, coral viewing, night squid fishing ...

• Address: 88 Tran Hung Dao, Block 7, Duong, Phu Quoc city, Kampot

• Phone: 077 3991 999

• Website:

3. Phuong Dong Hotel - Many summer deals

2-star hotel serving tourists is situated in a prime location of Phu Quoc Island, near the famous Dinh Cau night market with trafficking operations of seafood and local produce. Only 30 rooms are fully equipped for serving the needs of individual travelers as refrigerators, televisions, air conditioning, fire alarm system ... From the 4th floor of the hotel it serves breakfast every day, tourists can observe Duong Dong town panoramic splendor. However, the bedroom area of ​​the hotel is quite small, only suitable for couples or guests traveling alone.

• Address: 19 Tran Hung Dao Street, Duong Dong Town, Phu Quoc District

• Phone: 077 3994 111

Thứ Hai, 9 tháng 1, 2017

Rượu ngô – đặc sản chợ phiên vùng cao

Rượu ngô mang nhiều giá trị về văn hóa, thổ nhưỡng, là thức uống bản địa phổ biến của đồng bào vùng cao nguyên đá Hà Giang.

Du lịch Hà Giang thưởng thức rượu ngô – đặc sản chợ phiên vùng cao

Trong mỗi phiên chợ, ngoài những thứ nông sản phục vụ đời sống, một “đặc sản” không thể thiếu được thường xuyên trao đổi buôn bán và dùng ngay tại chỗ là rượu ngô.

Trong mỗi phiên chợ, ngoài những thứ nông sản phục vụ đời sống, một “đặc sản” không thể thiếu được thường xuyên trao đổi buôn bán và dùng ngay tại chỗ là rượu ngô.

Rượu ngô làm nóng những phiên chợ vùng cao và không thể vắng bóng trong khu bán đồ ăn tại các phiên chợ. Không ồn ào náo nhiệt, không lời qua tiếng lại mà chỉ có tiếng leng keng cùng những cái bắt tay ấm áp.

Rượu ngô làm nóng những phiên chợ vùng cao và không thể vắng bóng trong khu bán đồ ăn tại các phiên chợ. Không ồn ào náo nhiệt, không lời qua tiếng lại mà chỉ có tiếng leng keng cùng những cái bắt tay ấm áp.

Khu bán rượu được tập trung riêng ở góc chợ, những can rượu 10 lít, 20 lít xếp thành hàng dài.

Khu bán rượu được tập trung riêng ở góc chợ, những can rượu 10 lít, 20 lít xếp thành hàng dài.

Ở đây, người bán hàng đa số là phụ nữ. Rượu được nấu từ loại ngô bản địa kết hợp bằng thứ men lá truyền thống có mùi hơi khét, nên khi uống vào có vị ngọt đượm, thơm, không bị gắt. Độ rượu trung bình khoảng 25-30.

Ở đây, người bán hàng đa số là phụ nữ. Rượu được nấu từ loại ngô bản địa kết hợp bằng thứ men lá truyền thống có mùi hơi khét, nên khi uống vào có vị ngọt đượm, thơm, không bị gắt. Độ rượu trung bình khoảng 25-30.

Rượu bán trực tiếp tại chợ được đong bằng chiếc ca, sau đó sẽ dồn vào can lớn nhỏ.

Rượu bán trực tiếp tại chợ được đong bằng chiếc ca, sau đó sẽ dồn vào can lớn nhỏ.

Trước khi mua rượu tại chợ, người mua có thể tha hồ thử sau đó chọn. Với người có tửu lượng kém, thử từ đầu gian hàng đến cuối gian hàng cũng có thể say.

Trước khi mua rượu tại chợ, người mua có thể tha hồ thử sau đó chọn. Với người có tửu lượng kém, thử từ đầu gian hàng đến cuối gian hàng cũng có thể say.

Tới chợ, không chỉ có đàn ông, mà cả phụ nữ cũng thoải mái thưởng thức chút cay nồng.

Tới chợ, không chỉ có đàn ông, mà cả phụ nữ cũng thoải mái thưởng thức chút cay nồng.

Trong bất kỳ phiên chợ nào trên cao nguyên đá cũng có một đến hai dãy bán rượu ngô, thực khách cứ việc đi nếm thử các can rượu cho đến khi chọn được loại ưng ý. Nếu không mua người bán vẫn vui vẻ chào mời. Chiếc nắp can nhựa đựng rượu mời chào người đàn ông đi qua khu bán rượu.

Trong bất kỳ phiên chợ nào trên cao nguyên đá cũng có một đến hai dãy bán rượu ngô, thực khách cứ việc đi nếm thử các can rượu cho đến khi chọn được loại ưng ý. Nếu không mua người bán vẫn vui vẻ chào mời. Chiếc nắp can nhựa đựng rượu mời chào người đàn ông đi qua khu bán rượu.

Tháng 4 hàng năm là thời điểm thu hoạch ngô chín, những bắp ngô vàng óng được treo trên xà nhà để tránh ẩm mọt, dùng được lâu. Ngô hàng ngày sử dụng để làm mèn mén, thức ăn cho vật nuôi, số còn lại được ủ làm rượu. Rượu ngô làm ra chủ yếu phục vụ nhu cầu của gia đình hoặc tiếp khách, gia đình nào nhiều mới có rượu đem bán.

Tháng 4 hàng năm là thời điểm thu hoạch ngô chín, những bắp ngô vàng óng được treo trên xà nhà để tránh ẩm mọt, dùng được lâu. Ngô hàng ngày sử dụng để làm mèn mén, thức ăn cho vật nuôi, số còn lại được ủ làm rượu. Rượu ngô làm ra chủ yếu phục vụ nhu cầu của gia đình hoặc tiếp khách, gia đình nào nhiều mới có rượu đem bán.

Khi men nồng đã đượm, những người bạn thoải mái chia sẻ câu chuyện đời thường sau một tuần lao động.

Khi men nồng đã đượm, những người bạn thoải mái chia sẻ câu chuyện đời thường sau một tuần lao động.

Hai người đàn ông dân tộc Mông ngồi hàn huyên, giữa những người người tấp nấp mua bán, đi lại trong chợ Đồng Văn buổi sớm.

Hai người đàn ông dân tộc Mông ngồi hàn huyên, giữa những người người tấp nấp mua bán, đi lại trong chợ Đồng Văn buổi sớm.

Trong mỗi dịp chợ phiên của cao nguyên đá, rượu ngô mới là thứ níu chân đàn ông, đàn bà, trai gái, già trẻ ở lại chợ cho đến xế chiều.

Trong mỗi dịp chợ phiên của cao nguyên đá, rượu ngô mới là thứ níu chân đàn ông, đàn bà, trai gái, già trẻ ở lại chợ cho đến xế chiều.

Top 3 beautiful homestays in Sapa

>> trekking Sapa guide

Did you try the feeling of staying in Homestays in Sapa? Unlike the feeling when in the center hotels, the homestays are immersed with the nature, the mountains will bring you a different feeling to watch a romantic Sapa. Not comfortable and luxurious like the hotels, but these 3 hostels recommended by red gecko travel can still make you a more wonderful trip.

Hmong Mountain Retreat

Hmong Mountain Retreat

>>best luxury cruise halong bay

Rebuilt from the combination of ancient houses with over 70 years, Hmong Mountain Retreat will bring visitors the natural experience. Here, it seems that the visitors become the true indigenous people. The construction architecture of Bungalow in terraced fields will be the harmony with nature and the earth. Coming to Hmong Mountain Retreat, there is combining living space for guests. Here, everything seemed to be leaving afar, the fresh air, fresh natural scenery will make you just want to live small house located between high mountains and green slash like this when you’re older. With the beautiful scenes and great nature, Sapa will make you feel so exciting every time you visit.

Nam Cang Riverside Lodge

Nam Cang Riverside Lodge

Nam Cang Riverside is located in Nam Cang village, the natural scenes of it are lively as a picture of nature. Particularly, in this homestay, you can sit reading, drinking tea next to a small stream in the afternoon. Harmony with nature, but still luxurious, comfortable and refined, that is what Nam Cang Riverside brings you in your Sapa travel. Besides, Nam Cang Riverside is in the village of the Red Dao. With the Sapa tours, you probably do not want to miss the opportunity to experience life like the people here.

Phori’s Home

Phori’s House

Phori’s Home is now the homestay being noticed by many young people. Here is the place for you to hide away, leaving the noisy world out there, looking for a rest and relaxation place. Pretty small house located in Ta Van gives you a feeling unlike travel, it is the returning home after a tiring day in addition to the world outside. In Phori’s Home, visitors just want to curl up in warm blankets, take a very deep sleep and enjoy the fresh air here. One of the lovely things that Phori’s Home gives you is that it always has the cloth bags for your shopping. It will give you reasonable memory of childhood with items which has become legendary.

For a long time, Sapa has made people feel fascinating with the spectacular natural scenes and romantic smog in every morning. People come Sapa once, then they were attracted by the peace of quiet, idyllic happiness of this place, suddenly they want to throw everything away to enjoy the peaceful life of the simple mountain town. Come to Sapa, for those who love the beauty and peace of nature dreamer, these 3 above hostels may be ideal choices. All these 3 hostels are appropriate for your Sapa Group Tours. When you travel the Sapa, you should hire a sapa trekking guide for your safety.

Thứ Sáu, 6 tháng 1, 2017

Đến Iceland ngắm cảnh thiên nhiên đẹp kỳ diệu

Iceland là một trong những nơi đẹp nhất trái đất với dân số chỉ khoảng 320.000 người. Hằng năm đảo quốc này thu hút hàng ngàn du khách từ khắp thế giới đến tham quan, thưởng ngoạn.

Đến du lịch Iceland ngắm cảnh thiên nhiên đẹp kỳ diệu

 Thác Litlanesfoss - Ảnh: YourBurrito

Thác Litlanesfoss – Ảnh: YourBurrito -halong bay luxury cruise reviews

Từ những vùng đồng cỏ yên bình rộng lớn, những dãy núi cao, những ngọn núi lửa, sông băng hay thác nước hùng vĩ…, tất cả phong cảnh tươi đẹp dường như hội tụ đầy đủ ở quốc gia này.

Theo trang Bored Panda, hiện có khá nhiều hãng bay khai thác tuyến Iceland nên du khách có thể dễ dàng đặt mua vé máy bay giá rẻ. Tuy nhiên du khách cần chuẩn bị túi tiền kỹ một chút vì chi phí ăn ở, đi lại… ở Iceland không rẻ, với một bữa ăn thông thường khoảng 40 USD.

Nếu đi du lịch vào mùa đông, du khách sẽ ít tốn tiền hơn vì khi đó giá cả mọi thứ đều rẻ hơn một chút, mặc dù họ sẽ ít thấy ánh sáng ban ngày hơn. Bù lại họ có thể được ngắm ánh sáng phương Bắc (bắc cực quang) tuyệt đẹp.

Nếu đi du lịch mùa hè, du khách có nhiều thời gian ngắm cảnh ban ngày hơn nhưng lúc này các điểm đến đều sẽ rất đông khách. Để tiết kiệm khi du lịch mùa này, du khách có thể ngủ lều hoặc ở nhờ thay vì thuê khách sạn.

Bored Panda cũng khuyên du khách đi Iceland vào mùa hè hay đông, dù choáng ngợp trước khung cảnh đẹp như mộng… hãy nhớ bỏ máy ảnh xuống đúng lúc để thưởng thức trọn vẹn phong cảnh nơi đây.

Sông băng ở Iceland - Ảnh: Andre Ermolaev

Sông băng ở Iceland – Ảnh: Andre Ermolaev

Bắc cực quang gần một nhà thờ Iceland - Ảnh: Wim Denijs

Bắc cực quang gần một nhà thờ Iceland – Ảnh: Wim Denijs

Cầu vồng ở Kirkufell - Ảnh: Peter Hammer

Cầu vồng ở Kirkufell – Ảnh: Peter Hammer -Hung Vuong Bungalow

Núi Kirkjufell - Ảnh: Coolbiere

Núi Kirkjufell – Ảnh: Coolbiere

Hang băng ở Vatnajokull - Ảnh: Einar Runar Sigurdsson

Hang băng ở Vatnajokull – Ảnh: Einar Runar Sigurdsson

Núi lửa Eyjafjallajökull trong đợt phun trào năm 2010 - Ảnh: Gunnar Gestur

Núi lửa Eyjafjallajökull trong đợt phun trào năm 2010 – Ảnh: Gunnar Gestur-sapa adventure trek

Phá Xanh (Blue Lagoon) - Ảnh: iworkondishwashers

Phá Xanh (Blue Lagoon) – Ảnh: iworkondishwashers

Núi lửa ở Iceland - Ảnh: Andre Ermolaev

Núi lửa ở Iceland – Ảnh: Andre Ermolaev

Bán đảo Reykjanes - Ảnh: Johnathan Esper

Bán đảo Reykjanes – Ảnh: Johnathan Esper

Miệng núi lửa Viti - Ảnh: Andre Ermolaev

Miệng núi lửa Viti – Ảnh: Andre Ermolaev

Vẻ đẹp vùng châu thổ - Ảnh: Antony Spencer

Vẻ đẹp vùng châu thổ – Ảnh: Antony Spencer

Landmannalaugar - Ảnh: euskadi 69

Landmannalaugar – Ảnh: euskadi 69

Cá voi lao khỏi mặt nước ở Iceland - Ảnh: BP

Cá voi lao khỏi mặt nước ở Iceland – Ảnh: BP

Goðafoss - thác nước của các vị thần - Ảnh: TheWheelZee

Goðafoss – thác nước của các vị thần – Ảnh: TheWheelZee

Núi lửa Holuhraun phun - Ảnh: Iurie Belegurschi

Núi lửa Holuhraun phun – Ảnh: Iurie Belegurschi

Hang băng Iceland đẹp huyền ảo khi được thắp sáng - Ảnh: BP

Hang băng Iceland đẹp huyền ảo khi được thắp sáng – Ảnh: BP

Một hòn đảo ở Lake Mývatn, bắc Iceland - Ảnh: TopdeBotton

Một hòn đảo ở Lake Mývatn, bắc Iceland – Ảnh: TopdeBotton

Thác Svartifoss - Ảnh:

Thác Svartifoss – Ảnh:

Cánh đồng dung nham Holuhraun - Ảnh: Iurie Belegurschi

Cánh đồng dung nham Holuhraun – Ảnh: Iurie Belegurschi

3 mùa hoa đẹp trong tháng 1 khiến bạn chỉ muốn ‘lạc trôi’ khỏi thành phố

Du lịch Đà Lạt ngắm hoa mai anh đào

Mai anh đào được xem là loài hoa đặc trưng của Đà Lạt mỗi dịp đầu xuân. Hiện nay, toàn thành phố Đà Lạt đang có hàng chục nghìn cây hoa mai anh đào lớn nhỏ. Vào tháng 1, tháng 2 hàng năm loài hoa này đồng loạt nở rộ, nhuộm hồng các con đường ở Đà Lạt thu hút du khách trong và ngoài nước.

Ảnh: Đà Lạt trong tôi

Ảnh: Đà Lạt trong tôi



Mai anh đào (tên khoa học Prunus Cesacoides) là loại cây thân gỗ, cao 5 – 6m, tán lá rộng 2 – 3m. Hoa thường nở khi bắt đầu chuyển mùa (thường vào giữa tháng 1). Sau khi nở đồng loạt, 3 – 4 tuần sau hoa nhạt màu, tàn dần, cây cũng bắt đầu ra lá.

Ảnh: ueih.phan

Ảnh: ueih.phan

Ảnh: _trucle_

Ảnh: _trucle_

Ảnh: ST

Ảnh: ST

Hoa Mai anh đào được trồng ở nhiều nơi tại trung tâm TP.Đà Lạt, khu du lịch hồ Tuyền Lâm, Cầu Đất (xã Xuân Trường), xã Tà Nung… Tuy nhiên, do vị trí địa lý, đất đai, độ ẩm, nhiệt độ từng khu vực khác nhau nên thời điểm nở hoa cũng khác nhau.

Ảnh: Tiến Đà Lạt

Ảnh: Tiến Đà Lạt

Ảnh: Huỳnh Tuấn

Ảnh: Huỳnh Tuấn

Để biết thêm thông tin về lễ hội hoa mai anh đào 2017, cũng như các tuyến đường trồng nhiều hoa mai anh đào ở Đà Lạt bạn có thể xem chi tiết TẠI ĐÂY.

Du lịch Vũng Tàu ngắm hoa đỗ mai

Mỗi khi xuân về, vào khoảng tháng 1 rừng hoa đỗ mai tại Long Hải, Phước Hải (thuộc huyện Đất Đỏ, tỉnh Bà Rịa – Vũng Tàu) lại bắt đầu nở rộ. Nhiều người sống ở Vũng Tàu cũng không biết thành phố của mình có hoa đỗ mai, vì cây hoang dã, thường chỉ mọc trên núi đá và nở hoa trong thời gian ngắn. Những người khác thì gọi đỗ mai là anh đào, có lẽ bởi hoa nở rộ khi xuân về, và màu hoa cũng dịu dàng tựa như sắc hoa anh đào.

Ảnh: adg

Ảnh: adg

Nhìn kỹ thì hoa đỗ mai khác hẳn hoa anh đào về hình dáng. Hoa đỗ mai giống hoa đỗ, mọc thành từng chùm, màu hồng nhạt hoặc màu trắng.

Ảnh: Ngọc Anh

Ảnh: Ngọc Anh

Ảnh: Ngọc Anh

Ảnh: Ngọc Anh

Mỗi bông hoa như một chú bướm nhỏ xinh với cánh hoa chính màu phớt hồng, đậm hơn ở phía ngoài và nhạt hơn ở phía trong, giữa cánh hoa có màu vàng thật nhẹ. Khi hoa đỗ mai nở, những vạt rừng trên sườn núi như bừng sáng. Du khách có thể tìm và bắt gặp rất nhiều hoa đỗ mai trên dọc đèo Nước Ngọt hoặc đường lên núi Minh Đạm.



Ảnh: lovetour

Ảnh: lovetour

Không kiêu sa như hoa đào Sapavà cũng chẳng rực rỡ sắc thắm như hoa anh đào Đà Lạt, rừng hoa đỗ mai tại Long Hải, Phước Hải thu hút du khách bằng 2 sắc trắng, hồng nhẹ nhàng như cô gái quê dịu dàng e ấp và có chút gì đó hoang dại của núi rừng miền Đông Nam Bộ.

Ảnh: Lovetour

Ảnh: Lovetour

Ảnh: Caro Studio

Ảnh: Caro Studio

Ảnh: diadiemanuong

Ảnh: Caro Studio

Cảm giác lướt trên những cung đường ven biển tuyệt đẹp của Long Hải, một bên là biển, một bên là rừng hoa đỗ mai, vừa cảm nhận làn gió biển trong lành, mát rượi vừa nhìn ngắm hoa anh đào nở thật không có gì tuyệt vời hơn.

>> Paradise Luxury Cruise Review

Du lịch Sapa ngắm hoa đào

Khi những cơn gió buốt lạnh mùa đông đi qua và tia nắng mùa xuân ấm áp vừa tới cũng là lúc những cánh hoa đào Sapa bắt đầu bung nở trên khắp các lưng núi, sườn đồi. Chính vẻ đẹp hoang dại của những cánh đào rừng đã thôi thúc biết bao đoàn phượt lên đường.

Ảnh: Travel

Ảnh: Travel

Ảnh: ST

Ảnh: ST



Dù hoa đào khoe sắc khắp vùng cao Tây Bắc nhưng hoa đào Sapa vẫn được du khách háo hức nhiều hơn cả. Bởi không chỉ bông to, dày cánh, mà hoa còn bừng nở ngay cả trong trời rét buốt. Tháng 1 đến đầu tháng 2 là thời gian hoa đào Sapa nở rộ.